Meet Our New Appointees

As we set ourselves the goal of providing the best possible cultural experiences for a rapidly changing global city, it’s vital to ensure to ensure the skill sets of our Board respond to the needs of the organisation, complimenting the existing trustees’ experiences and talents.

As part of this process, we’re very proud to announce and welcome the addition of BBC Producer Dan Haskins, Standard Chartered Bank Executive Director Deniz Harut, and Charles Russell Speechlys Partner Sangna Chauhan.

And we are proud that all three of our new trustees have local links to Rich Mix, and are regular attendees their personal lives.

What They’ll Help Us Achieve

Having helped bring about change with lots of respected charities in Ireland and the UK, Haskins will help us achieve a forward-thinking approach to a new digital world.

With her wealth of experience in financial management for charitable organisations, Harut will play a major role in helping us shape new, more robust approaches to serving our community.

Whilst Chauhan will provide us with invaluable legal advice, and support delivering our business plan to supporting bringing together communities from around the world to share in art and culture.

Meet our board

Learn more about all our dedicated & talented Board of volunteers trustees, who provide leadership and governance to the organising. Driving and shaping our work to secure a future for the organisation, ensuring we remain true to our mission:
Inspiring the communities of the world who live in London to come together to make, debate and experience art and culture that gets to the heart of life today.