After a phenomenal and groundbreaking evening debuting their duo in September, Shahbaz Hussain and Zayn Mohammed will be returning to Rich Mix. The September evening left the crowd mesmerised and thirsty to see more of where these two artists will take their music.
Their debut evening was a journey that crossed South Asia, into the Middle East, Turkey, North Africa and 15th Century England with their North Indian version of Greensleeves…go figure! Shahbaz Hussain was omnipresent on the tabla whilst Zayn moved across the electric guitar, the acoustic guitar, the oud, sarod and rebab…Two musicians and 6 instruments!
The February evening will include some more surprises, something perhaps familiar though sounding very new and many of their own compositions. It will again be a journey across multiple genres and geographies exposing just how unique these two artists are that have devoted their entire lives thus far to music.
Come, be wowed and go home feeling the world is a better place!
Please note this evening will be filmed.