Shortlisted for a BBC New Comedy Award, the internationally renowned, iconic character of Lady Bushra is played by Amir Dean who was born and raised in Bradford. A fast growing comedian, this drag queen has taken the scene by storm both online and in-person. Often performing his self-produced, sold out ‘Drag Comedy Cabaret’, his online videos have been viewed over 20 million times globally whereas his live performances have been enjoyed as far as Europe and USA.

Expect to see a well dressed, saree clad bearded beauty perform standup comedy but with a digital twist! Lady Bushra is razor sharp, quick witted and hilarious and does not disappoint his loyal audiences!

LA Times

The OG Bradford bad girl
Manchester Evening News

Please note: the show will include use of projected images, and may contain flashing images. This is an 18+ event. 


Lady Bushra Twitter / Lady Bushra Instagram

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email