Willing to ask the biggest questions, but always rooted in the here and now: Soundings is a vital link between the tradition of progressive thought in Britain and the futures which all of us are working for.
Jeremy Gilbert

We need radical solutions to the crises of the present and the challenges of the future: precarious work, climate change, the housing crisis, the gender pay gap, #metoo, the hostile environment, racist authoritarianism.

So how can the contemporary left learn from activism and education projects to create culturally inclusive, participatory and democratic forms of left politics for the 21st century?

This discussion – sparked by short introductions then opened up for digital and face-to-face participation – will draw on approaches, traditions and ideas from the radical histories of political education, as well as exploring what can be learnt from current forms of feminist, anti-racist and anti-austerity activism.

We aim to identify the types of engaged, reflective, collective and activist-led political education needed to support social transformation today.

With award-winning arts educator Farzana Khan (Platform and Voices that Shake), tenants’ rights and anti-poverty activists Ellen Moran and Taya Williams (ACORN), senior research fellow Sharon Clancy (Adult Education 100) , writer and campaigner Roshi Naidoo (Soundings editorial collective) and Sasha Josette (TWT  and Momentum).

lwbooks.co.uk/soundings/ theworldtransformed.org/ @SoundingsJourn