Queen Bitch, played by Bishop Black, takes on Captain Faggotron in a feat to make Earth a homosexual planet. It’s like if Marvel wasn’t boring military propaganda! Queen Bitch slays closet case priests, deepthroating contests, cruising furries in the forest, and fierce eye shadow on her way to make the homosexual agenda global.
Will the corrupt Captain Faggotron be able to prevent it from happening? Find out at Fringe!
This film is in English and German with English subtitles.
Please note: Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest have chosen to use reclaimed terms to promote their events. These terms may also feature in the events themselves, alongside explicit language.
If you have any questions about accessibility or you need support to access the event, please email Fringe! at access@fringefilmfest.com.
There will be volunteers trained in access at all Fringe! events if you need support with access on the day.