14-year-old Zeina and her family are the last to have stayed in their besieged hometown of Damascusin, Syria. A missile rips a giant hole in their home, exposing them to the outside world. When a rope is mysteriously lowered into the hole, Zeina gets her first taste of freedom, and an unimaginable world of possibility opens up for her.

As the violence outside escalates, the family is pressured to evacuate, but Mutaz, her father is adamant that they stay, refusing to flee to the uncertain life of a refugee. Faced with a life or death dilemma, Zeina and Hala, her mother, must make the choice whether to stay or leave.

Followed by a Q&A with director Soudade Kaadan, hosted by Action Syria Rose Essam.

Between drama and fairytale, this is a magical film
Les Fiches du Cinéma

This film is distributed by Modern Films.

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