No Home Movie is a deeply intimate portrait of mother and daughter, as well as an exploration of home, belonging and the human experience. Filmed in the months before her mother Natalia’s death, the film unfolds as a series of intimate conversations and observations visually travelling between Natalia’s apartment in Brussels and deserted landscapes, serving as a meditation on memory, loss, and the passage of time.

This film is in French with English subtitles. Content warnings: grief, death, antisemitism, mentions of Holocaust.


This screening is in collaboration with Tracing Lives. Akerman’s earlier feature News From Home will be screening at the Horse Hospital on Tue 14 Nov. More details can be found on the Tracing Lives Instagram.


The Art of Returning Instagram / Tracing Lives Instagram

This film is distributed by BFI.

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email