With NGOs being blocked by red tape and an absence of any positive action by French or British authorities, the documentary is a behind-the-scenes look at the extraordinary grassroots movement that rose to aid the refugees in Calais, and the community that sprang up there, before it was forcefully demolished.

Originally arriving in the ‘Calais Jungle’ as a volunteer, Thomas Laurance ended up embedding himself there for a year, documenting what he saw up until the camp’s demolition.

Upon returning to the UK, Thomas sourced footage from other filmmakers, activists, volunteers and refugees, weaving together an intimate frontline documentary that offers unique access to the communities of the ‘Jungle’ and serves as a reminder of the continuing work ordinary civilians did to help those forced to seek safety away from home.

This screening is followed by a Q&A with actor Yasin Moradi (The Jungle), Calais Appeal & director Thomas Laurance.

an essential documentary
UK Film Review

A remarkable act of bearing witness
Juliet Stevenson, Actor & Activist


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