Directed by an Indigenous activist and environmental filmmakers, produced by Fisher Stevens, and executive produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, this film’s beauty lies in its intimate storytelling – providing a human entry-point into the Amazon’s critical situation that impacts us all.

This screening is followed by a discussion with activist and film participant Puyr Tembé and Andrea Carvalho, Brazil researcher, Human Rights Watch (via Zoom). This discussion will be live-captioned.

This film is in Portuguese, Tupi and English with English subtitles, captioning and audio description.
Content warning: contains images of dead bodies, threatening and offensive language, animal cruelty, and violent protests.

A poignant portrayal of the diverse group of people on the front line of efforts to save the Brazilian Amazon.
Luciana Téllez Chávez, Senior Researcher, Environment and Human Rights Division, Human Rights Watch

Also streaming across the UK + Ireland from 18-24 March, online audiences can watch the film at their own pace. Click here to find out more.


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