Kabaddi is a traditional sport which originated in the Indian sub-continent and has been played in the fields, villages and towns across the region for hundreds of years. It is the national game of Bangladesh, and is played by women, men and children alike. It is an intergenerational team game all about incorporating movement whilst having fun together.
Dress in comfortable clothes to move around in. For women and young girls 7 + years old. Younger children can be accommodated – please email seyi.joseph@richmix.org.uk in advance.
Oitij-jo Collective has been dedicated to providing platforms for creative practitioners and grassroots community to come together and collaborate to enhance British-Bangla engagement.
See an example of the game in action:
Oitij-jo Website / Oitij-jo Instagram / Oitij-jo Kitchen Instagram / Oitij-jo Facebook
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