A duet-durational-piece that invites you to come on a visceral journey with Hazel Lam and Lucia Palladino using light design, sound design and the human body to explore the ‘Light Vessel’ – ‘like a viking boat glowing in the dark’ made from LED strips built into a free-standing structure.

The ‘vessel’ of the title is a container architecturally containing Hazel and Lucia, their world and the light.

Interrogating and playing with the narrative and expectation of ‘circus’, this is a relaxed performance where the audience can enter and leave throughout observing these skilled and ground-breaking performers pushing at the limitations of both form and gravity while challenging what we perceive circus equipment is as well as what circus bodies can do.

Do the bodies use the light tubes to help each other navigate the space? or do they use them to handle each other?

Commissioned by Kakilang as part of the Kakilang Festival 2023.


Hazel Lam Instagram / Hazel Lam Facebook

Kakilang Arts Instagram / Kakilang Arts Facebook

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