Via freak-show and moonshine bar, ready yourself for an alarming journey through the ambivalent mythology of Der Sandmann (AKA Mr Sandmann). Marilyn Monroe is a target in a shooting gallery, the moon-landing is more than a side-show and the truth behind Warhol’s Silver Dream Factory is gradually revealed. In this place dreams, nightmares, truth, lies and the imagination are inseparable.
Flirting with Americana, drawing on urban legend, fairytale, myth, and folklore, and paying oblique homage to Heinrich Von Kleist, ETA Hoffman, Hans Andersen and Nick Cave, Ben Haggarty surrenders his sanity to the magnetic pull of a ravenous moon.
Winner of Fringe First Award for Best Spoken Word – Brighton Fringe.
Please note: This performance contains descriptions of sex, mutilation, slavery, war crimes, genocide, drug use, threat, and death contextualised within a paradigm of mythic narrative, archetype and metaphor.
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