This show tells the story of four strangers who, over the course of 24 hours, journey together through intimacy, fatigue, play and isolation. They dance through the disorientation that emerges from collective identity, sometimes yielding and sometimes resisting.

This piece is a rich, playful way to explore universal questions – can we build kinship in conflict? How do we retain non-conformity within a community? Is it possible to be both in solidarity and dissent?

Orbital Asymmetries has been developing slowly over the past three years, and is informed by work with very different communities across Bradford and London.

Lead Artist: Shivaangee Agrawal 
Visual Artist, Filmmaker, Projection Design: Tom Shennan
Performers: Jane Chan, Takeshi Matsumoto, Meera Patel, Shivaangee Agrawal
Rehearsal Director: Meera Patel
Production Manager: Alex Anzemberger
Production: Metal & Water / Lucia Fortune-Ely, Elsabet Yonas, Lauren Wright, Nancy May Roberts 
Supporting Partners: Kala Sangam, Strike A Light, Talawa Theatre Company, Ugly Duck, Shoreditch Town Hall


If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email