Would you read your teenage diary aloud to a room full of people? Join a daring group of LGBTQIA+ folks as they do just that – sharing their teenage angst (and dreams, follies, and fabulousness) in the name of nostalgia, solidarity, and fun!

Expect earnest journal entries, long-lost love-letters, fabulous fan-fiction, terrible tumblr posts & possibly some cringey poetry…

PLUS: School Disco Afterparty, til 1am.

Re-do your end-of-term disco (minus the adolescent awkwardness) by dancing the night away to all the throwback tracks from YOUR coming-of-age era – whether that’s Girlbands or Grunge, Emo or S Club (the DJ will take requests). Wear what you want. Dance with who you want. No bullies allowed!


A limited number of open-mic spots may be available for diary-readers, to be confirmed with Queer Diary organisers in advance view the Queer Diary FAQs & sign-up form here.

This is a Queer-led and Queer-centred event, designed for LGBTQIA+ adults. Allies are welcome to join alongside LGBTQIA+ friends/partners. We will never question your place in this Queer space, or police entry based on perceived identity.

Discrimination will not be tolerated. This includes – but is not limited to – homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, classism, body shaming. Please let event organisers, assistants, and/or venue staff know if anything or anyone makes you feel uncomfortable.

We may take photos and video to help publicise future events – please let photographer/videographers if you don’t want to appear in any photos (we can also remove any photos you don’t like from our social media on request).

Please choose whichever price you can afford to attend. Paying more, if you can, helps to offer lower-cost/free tickets for anyone who needs them. No ID or “proof” is required to access a cheaper ticket for this event.


If you need a free ticket, please email: michael.crowe@richmix.org.uk & hasbianshow@gmail.com with “Queer Diary: Free Ticket” in the subject line & the name you’d like it booked in the email.


Seating is unreserved as standard. Please let us know in advance if you would like us to reserve a seat, and if you have any specific access requirements we can accommodate in doing so (ie, near the front, near the exit, near BSL Interpreters, etc).

Diary readers are asked to self-describe, for any blind or visually impaired audience members, and give warnings for any potentially sensitive content.

Due to the open-mic nature of this event, material cannot always be ‘vetted’ by organisers in advance. We ask everyone volunteering to read to consider the wellbeing of themself and others, when deciding what to share on stage.

BSL Interpreters will be booked to interpret all readings from the stage. The Stage has a hearing loop that can be used by switching most hearing aids to the ‘T’ position.

The venue can be accessed via a ramp on Bethnal Green Road. As you enter the building, The Stage is on the ground floor, to the left, with an accessible toilet on the same level.

COVID Safety:

Queer Diary encourage audiences to take a lateral flow test before attending and also welcome the wearing of masks. Event organisers are fully vaccinated and use lateral flow testing regularly. Queer Diary request you do NOT attend this event if you have either COVID symptoms, or a positive test result.

If you have questions, or access requirements you’d like to speak to us about, please contact: Rich Mix at boxoffice@richmix.org.uk and Queer Diary organisers Josie & Beth at hasbianshow@gmail.com.

If a Queer Diary event was held on the Moon, the most anti-capitalist Queers would be befriending Bezos in hope of a rocket ride
DIVA Magazine


Hasbian Show Instagram / Hasbian Show Twitter

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email