From the 1936 Battle of Cable Street to the Altab Ali protests in 1978, to the resistance against the English Defence League and the Palestine solidarity demonstrations in 2024, East London has a rich and proud history of successfully organising against racist organisations, the police and states.

In this public meeting, we will hear from some of those involved in these past and present struggles against racism, and learn about the ways in which local communities and groups were able to analyse, organise, confront and resist fascism and racism. As the far-right attempt to remobilise and attack our communities, we think about what lessons we can learn to build an effective working-class, multi-racial, anti-racist movement that keeps each another safe and defeats the far-right.


David Rosenberg – Convenor of Cable Street 80. Author of Battle for the East End.

Fatima Rajina – Member of Nijjormanush, an independent socialist organisation for Bangladeshis.

Jalal Rajonuddin – Veteran of the Battle of Brick Lane in 1978 and well-known antiracist campaigner.

Louise PurbrickFreedom Books and author of an updated edition of Physical Resistance – 100 years of antifascism.

Hosted by the East London Defence Committee. 

Image Credit: Tower Hamlets Council. Photo by Paul Trevor.

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