Nearly four years after their previous record for Cherry Red, The Long Goodbye, Pere Ubu begins again with Trouble On Big Beat Street – and if you missed the last 48 years then imagine a bad attitude, imagine Electric Light Orchestra,the version with Roy Wood, then add Muddy Waters playing guitar and Nina Simone singing.
Pere Ubu is David Thomas, Keith Moliné, Gagarin, Alex Ward, Andy Diagram, Michele Temple and Jack Jones.
These days, Ubu World includes a live-streaming internet show (DPK-TV), an ‘official bootlegs’ site, and, coming in February, David’s monthly radio show, on Louder Than War Radio (LTW Radio) called ‘Stay Sick , Turn Blue’.
Support for this Pere Ubu show comes from V Ä L V Ē.
Pere Ubu Instagram / Pere Ubu Twitter / V Ä L V Ē Bandcamp
Baba Yaga’s Hut Website / Baba Yaga’s Hut Twitter / Baba Yaga’s Hut Instagram
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