Working in theatre, film, and doing music videos has allowed her to understand and gain experience in the different areas. Learning from other writers and directors she has built up her portfolio with a play, 2 short films and various music video projects under her belt. Her platform Brown Sugar Movement has allowed her to make sure that young black British women are celebrates, empowered and empowered. Created by the need to see more black British women from and centre, she created a platform that allows these women to be seen and heard loudly by their fellow peers. 


All Olivia’s concepts draw from her work with Brown Sugar Movement. She is an advocate for black British women and believes strongly in making sure she does her part in celebrating, empowering and inspiring them.  

These images are a bold statement. The flowers no longer signify beauty but also fall into the saying of ‘giving one their flowers’. It’s important that we give people their flowers whilst they are able to still smell them. A lot of the time black women are overlooked for what they’ve achieved because of their race, gender or both combined. These women have and are, achieving amazing things right now. Impacting the world we live in their fields, doing it their way. We don’t often see black women as the faces of many things in our society as much as we should. This shop front display puts these ladies in a place they deserve to be. It also makes people realise that so many more black women should be highlighted and given their flowers.  

Olivia Fraser Instagram / ALPHA & AP Instagram / Brown Sugar Movement Instagram

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