Alternative Arts are joining up with The People Speak to bring together women from across East London to discuss current topics and ideas for events and activities for Women’s History Month in March 2023. We would particularly like to invite artists and creative people of all kinds, at the start of their careers as well as further on, who might be developing ideas aligned with the WHM themes.

Please RSVP to let us know if you can attend. We look forward to welcoming you in person to a lively and interactive Talkaoke – a pop up talk show event. However, if you intend to participate online please request the link.

RSVP to:
Maggie –
Margot –


The Women’s Network East London is open to women across East London who are members of community, arts and cultural organisations, local women’s groups, and local women residents. The network is co-ordinated by Alternative Arts who also run Women’s History Month in East London. The aim to raise the profile of women, share ideas, explore current issues and build a strong network as a supportive resource, providing inspiration for creating a more equal society.

The People Speak is an art group based in East London, with 25 year expertise in getting people to understand each other. We use performance art and multi-media to create fun and interactive environments, pushing the boundaries of what a conversation can lead to. We also train people in creative facilitation skills and event production.


The People Speak Website | The People Speak Twitter | The People Speak Instagram | The People Speak Facebook | The People Speak YouTube

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email