Set in Quebec in the early 1970s, the film explores the romantic connection between two identical twins separated at birth and reunited at adulthood. They fall in love and begin a twincestuous relationship that is beautiful and shocking in equal measure.
After the film, the director will showcase images from his latest project, a photoshoot for Doesn’t Exist magazine that recreates Pasolini’s 1968 classic Theorem. LaBruce will then be joined in conversation by Dominic Johnson, Lidia Ravviso, John Foley and Bishop Black, hosted by Victor Fraga.
Audiences will be able to purchase Doesn’t Exist‘s tribute to Bruce LaBruce featuring his 21st century vision of Theorem. The director will also be available for book signing and photo ops with the audience.
We’re also screening one of LaBruce’s most celebrated films, Hustler White, on Fri 7 Apr. This event is in anticipation of Bruce’s upcoming project at a/political this April.
Please note: this is an 18+ event.
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