After the Meeting – Aaron Barry (short)
It’s April 2020, deep in the COVID shelter-in-place order. Kids are trapped in their homes, and parents are stuck in virtual meeting boxes all day. In this environment Aaron Barry, Creative Director of SkyCar, had a fun and challenging idea for a short film – so, he worked out the details with his wife, bribed the kids to act in it (nine scenes over two and a half days), and his oldest son composed and performed the music.

Silent World – Charlie Dennis (short)
A creative exploration and amplification of the COVID-19 pandemic as experienced from the eyes of Signkid, a deaf-rapper in London. It is a musical short film which creatively explores the ‘silent world’ that has intensified and deepened for D/deaf people in the course of the COVID pandemic. It visualises the sense of isolation, fear and societal disconnection that the hearing world has been experiencing – the sort of isolation that D/deaf people experience every day. Imagine a deadly gas is killing people – and no one explains in YOUR language how to stay alive.

I Am Capable – Roxy Furman (short)
After experiencing injustice when hiking in the English countryside, Amira Patel decided she wanted to help create a safe space for Muslim women outdoors. She founded her own group, the Wanderlust Women.

During lockdown, Amira found a love of wild swimming: it was a place of stillness, in which she could connect to God, yet she always swam on her own – until now. For the first time ever, Amira is joined by two other women to swim together in the beauty of the Lake District. Summaya and Sham are apprehensive upon arrival; it is a big thing for them to be stepping out the box of what is deemed to be ‘normal’ for Muslim women. After the initial shock wears off, they experience the transformative effect of cold-water immersion and form a powerful sisterhood, finding strength in one another’s bravery in helping break down stereotypes and boundaries.

Something Ain’t Right – Susan Ruth Downs, MD (feature documentary)
This documentary with Kevin Sorbo looks at physicians who were successfully treating COVID since March 2020. Yet the majority of these physicians throughout the world were censored; countless lives could have been saved had this not happened. Had this censorship not happened, would we have needed the economically destructive lockdowns? Would people be living in fear as they are today? How would our lives be different?

This screening will be followed by a Q&A.

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