This intimate documentary from Swedish director Nathan Grossman. Starting with her one-person school strike for climate action outside the Swedish Parliament, Grossman follows Greta – a shy schoolgirl with Asperger’s – in her rise to prominence, and her galvanising global impact as she sparks school strikes around the world. The film culminates with her astonishing wind powered voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City.

Following the screening on the 18 Oct there will be an exclusive Q&A with guests to be announced.

A fascinating year in the life of eco-warrior Greta Thunberg
The Times
An uplifting, inspirational story
Screen International
Radio Times

Single seats
For screenings from Fri 18 Sep we will be releasing more single seats an hour before each screening. Please call box office on 020 7613 7498 or pop in to the box office to book. We’re trialling this in order to make the most of our limited capacity but hope to have a simpler way of booking soon.

Private Screen Experience for up to 6 people
Want to watch I Am Greta from your own private screen with your household/ support bubble? Book our Private Screen experience for up to 6 people from one household/ support bubble for only £65. To book one of our scheduled screenings, email Check out our food and drink hampers which you can add to complete your experience.

This film is distributed by Dogwoof.

Take a look at the measures we’re taking to keep you safe under social distancing.