Casey, a young man from the countryside running from a small-town scandal, finds himself down and out in the big smoke of Sydney. When he meets Tib, a young city lad, struggling with his own scars of isolation, there’s chemistry, not only sexually but also emotionally as both men find something they have been missing. Can they overcome their own insecurities and let the other in or are the walls they have built too strong to knock down?

Please note: this film contains nudity, strong sex and discussion of suicide. 

Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest have chosen to use reclaimed terms to promote their events. These terms may also feature in the events themselves, alongside explicit language.

This is an 18+ event.

This film is distributed by Peccadillo Pictures

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email