
Directed by Jeremiah Quinn, this groundbreaking documentary explores the harrowing true story of David Oluwale, a Nigerian immigrant who was chased into the River Aire by Leeds Police in 1969. A landmark case followed in 1971 where two police officers were convicted of assault by a jury, having been directed to acquit them of manslaughter. According to Leeds Civic Trust, this was the first successful prosecution of British police officers for the involvement in the death of a black person.

SUICIDE KELLY – Dir. Jordon Scott Kennedy
Brendan Kelly is a disgraced former boxer whose life has been a series of missed opportunities and broken promises. When his estranged grandson lands on his doorstep, looking for a place to hide out for the night, Brendan is presented with a unique chance at redemption. Set in a working-class community on the outskirts of Leeds and spanning across three generations, this powerful drama explores racism, masculinity, the influences of the media on narrative control and how hope can be found in the unlikeliest of places.


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