The hit improvised comedy game show created and hosted by Count Dracula Ashley J & Wicked Witch of the Endz Tee-J return with a Halloween Special! Come and see these guys compete with two teams of performers creating scenarios, parodies of well-known films and songs based upon YOU the audience suggestions! All umpired by the super talented DJ Grim Reaper B- Radz.

Trust us when we tell you, anything can happen on the night! Featuring game favourites such as FAKING THE BAND & DON’T SAY THAT. Be Prepared for a night of HAUNTING & HAHAS!

Latecomers are welcomed but will be heckled by Ashley J & Tee-J

I’ve never seen anything funnier
There aren’t enough comedy shows that the whole family can enjoy, but ACTing Up comedy is one option
Daniel Perks of Miro Magazine

@ACTingUpComedy@Sir_AshleyJ / @teejworld