Book a pass to access all three AWAN Talks for £10.

Our panelists will discuss the unique genre of Palestinian fiction through the themes of artistic trends, revolutionary innovation, the evolution of symbols, and the importance surrounding the death of the hero poet. The Western world often references Palestinian writing as an ‘illustration of the conflict’, or positions it within an orientalist ‘other’. Instead, we will explore the beauty and richness of Palestinian fiction and reveal new perspectives.

Whether you’re familiar with Palestinian fiction or interested to learn more about this unique genre – we invite you to engage in this refreshing and inspiring conversation.


Nora Parr is a researcher and author specialising in Palestinian novels and Post-colonial literature through various lenses ranging from nationalism to global mental health. Nora has taught and held research positions at SOAS, University of London, Freie Universitat Berlin, the University of Birmingham, the Kenyon Institute, King’s College London, and Bethlehem University.

Selma Dabbagh is a British-Palestinian writer whose work has been published by a wide range of notable publications and anthologies, including international PEN, Granta and The British Council. Selma’s work is mainly set in the contemporary Middle East and her first novel Out of It won Guardian Book of the Year.

Heba Alhayek is a London-based Palestinian author, communication consultant, and facilitator. Heba’s first book, Sambac Beneath Unlikely Skies, was shortlisted for the 2022 Palestine Book Awards and chosen as a 2021 Book of the Year by The White Review, Middle East Eye and The New Arab. Rooted in decolonial, queer and indigenous practice, Heba’s writing navigates topics such as disposability, global south solidarity movements, land justice, and more.

Supported by Arts Council England.


Nora Parr Twitter / Selma Dabbagh Website / Heba Alhayek Website

AWAN Festival Instagram / AWAN Festival Twitter

Arts Canteen Facebook / Arts Canteen Instagram / Arts Canteen Twitter

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