Exploring the theme of revival, these five exciting poetry workshops will feed into a performance that will take place in September 2022. These sessions will be conducted in English.

To take part you do not need any previous experience in poetry or performance.

Sat 28 May’s sessions will be facilitated by guest Jess Ruby Clark.

If you have any questions, please contact Eeshita Azad on eazad8@gmail.com.

You create such a welcoming and friendly space. It’s clear everyone feels safe and encouraged to share their personal thoughts and stories.
Claire W T, Art Hoppers

About Workshop Facilitator, Eeshita Azad

Eeshita Azad is a page and stage poet and an arts facilitator with a career spanning 15 years in New York, London and Dhaka. She is currently the Executive Director of BBPC, a London based poetry collective and one of the poets-in-residence for Bok Bok Books ‘Sensing Bangladesh: A Children’s Guidebook to Art from Bangladesh’. Her recent work includes a commissioned poem for The Francis Crick Institute and Poet In The City’s ‘A drop of Hope’ project. Her book of poetry, ‘Elegiac Songs’ by Journeyman Books was published in 2018.

Eeshita Azad Twitter

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