Set in a dystopian England, Detective Shade investigates Aileen Burnett’s murder – a white woman who married a Black man. As a convicted ‘race-traitor’ with four children, she had served time for ‘miscegenation’.

To solve the crime Shade travels the Multi-Resistance’s Underground network to the Northern Free Zone where in facing her past, everything she thought she knew about herself and her world is challenged.

Film, movement and soundscapes provide a powerful dramatisation of stories brought to life by Julie McNamara (The Knitting Circle)Hassan Mahamdallie (The Crows Plucked Your Sinews) and a team of creative talent.

The Quiet Rebels creative team is experimenting with a new approach to integrating access into the design of the production, using a vibrant, percussive soundscape and rich visual narrative that incorporates captions, British Sign Language and audio description to sew access into the fabric of the show.


Supported by Arts Council EnglandGarrick Charitable Trust, Hackney Empire, City Bridge Trust, Unity Theatre Trust, National Lottery Community Fund and made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund, with thanks to National Lottery players.

Vital XposureDervish Productions and Belgrade Theatre co-production. Developed and delivered with partners Soul City Artsthe AlbanyHackney EmpireDeaf Rave and Jane Morgan Associates.


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Hassan Mahamdallie Twitter / Julie McNamara Twitter / Dervish Productions Website

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email