In this workshop participants will work with trans-disciplinary artist Ray Young, to take ownership of personal stories within their performance making practice. Through the use of text and movement participants will be invited to explore new methods of performance creation that they can continue to develop beyond the workshop.

Please wear clothing that you feel comfortable moving in. If you have any access requirements, please let us know upon booking.

This workshop is aimed at people from working-class backgrounds.



Ray Young is an award-winning artist and writer based between Nottingham and London. Their transdisciplinary practice exists on the boundaries of live art, text, movement, activism and neurodiversity. Ray is a recipient of the Jerwood Live Work Fund and was the inaugural winner of the Eclipse Award, which supported Edinburgh Fringe 2019 runs of NIGHTCLUBBING and OUT, where both shows were nominated for Total Theatre awards.

Their current work BODIES is an immersive water, light and soundscape installation that investigates the embodied experiences of our relationship to water, touring swimming pools around the UK.

Ray Young Instagram / Ray Young Website

Mia Maxwell Instagram / Nannies and Fighters Instagram

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email