The creative industry pigeonholes us despite South Asian individuals representing a quarter of the world’s population and one of the largest ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom.
So, how do we break down the ceilings placed upon us? How do we claim our narrative back? Do we fold into the systems placed upon us by whiteness or can we create our own?
Sessions will take place:
Fourth episode – Thu 24 Mar:
A discussion across British South Asian generations, in particular, the Daytimers and Asian Underground of old vs the present Daytimers. We investigate whatever happened to that original Daytimers crew? What wisdom can the older generation give the young ones? What aspects of community-building can we learn from one another?
Samia (she/her)
First episode – Thu 27 Jan:
Since the hype of the first Dialled In, we haven’t all really had a chance to be in a room together and debrief openly. The first conversation includes some of the organisers of the festival as well as the artists who performed, exploring representation in music and how the intentions and narrative of a movement can be shifted and controlled by the wider industry at large.
The conversation will include: Ahad Elley, Provhat Rahman and Dhruva Balram.
Second episode – Wed 9 Feb:
Being Brown within a white-dominated creative industry is considered a marginalisation. But, within Brownness, there is an invisible hierarchical ladder. How do we envision an equitable playing field?
Third episode – Thu 17 Feb:
Colourism is a pervasive scourge that underpins any notion of progress the South Asian community attempts to make. The prejudice and discrimination faced by individuals with a dark skin tone among South Asian people, despite belonging to the same racial group, is prevalent. We need to have an honest discussion around colourism in the South Asian community and how we can move forward.
Sheerah Ravindren: Groundbreaking, Icon, GOD, creative and model using their platform as a space of self expression, talking on their personal experiences as a darskinned NB Queer Eelam Tamil person as well as speaking on issues important to them from an intersectional and nuanced perspective.
Shantel Kaadir: Originally from Birmingham my parents are Jamaican and Pakistani. Raised in a ‘liberal’ single parent muslim household but also have always been around a diverse working class community. Having experienced anti – blacknesses and colorism from the South asian community, along side racism and islamabphobia from white people. Started working in the party scene when I moved to London as an event photographer, later on started my own night with my partner and a friend called Vibrate, an organic manifestation of the many house parties we would throw for our friends/community. Vibrate is an East London based club night focused on catering to queer POC who enjoy bass heavy music (jersey club, drill, grime, hiphop, trap, baile funk etc). Almass Badat: No creative practice evades the talents and abilities of Almass Badat. In true polymath form, her ability to produce ground breaking work across directing, music, photography and more, is unparalleled. From shooting moving documentaries surrounding the Hijra community in South Asia, directing music videos and consistently giving a platform to up and coming artists all over the world on her Asian Network residency, Almass has a tireless dedication to master each and every craft she practices.We have a limited number of free tickets available if the ticket price is a barrier to you attending. To request this, please email
This is an unreserved seated event.
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