Lesbian and gay mental health charity East London Out Project (ELOP) was founded in 1995 as a grassroots-developed and community-led organisation with the aim to promote the mental health, wellbeing, empowerment and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
Based in Walthamstow, ELOP focuses on combatting isolation and low mental health for LGBT+ people. During a time where social distancing and staying home is encouraged, it’s wonderful to read of new ways to connect and share experiences. As East London’s home for culture and creativity, we always welcome opportunities to learn more from our local communities, which is why we invited ELOP to take part in our first guest post. When people can’t be together physically, it’s all the more important to establish online and virtual connections.
Dig into the links, tips and details below – from support groups to volunteering, petitions, local LGBT+ businesses to support and recommended films, there’s a lot to digest and we thank ELOP so much for taking the time to compile this brilliant collection of Rich Mix Picks.
Without further ado, take it away, ELOP!
Celebrating Pride in 2020
Services for the LGBT+ Community, including mental health resources
Other support in Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlets Venues and Organisations for the LGBT Community
Celebrating Pride in 2020
Pride is year-long. Pride is anti-racist. Therefore, although parades and parties have been cancelled, you can celebrate Pride by educating yourself on being anti-racist and supporting those who are affected by racism.
Prioritise Black voices. Protest if you can. Donate if you can. Organise if you can. Create if you can. Doing nothing tangible makes you complicit in violence.
Here are some suggestions from us:
- Donate to resourcing racial justice
- Donate to emergency Relief & Hardship Fund for UK LGBT Asylum Seekers & Refugees
- Support UK Black Pride and Gendered Intelligence
- Sign a petition for more protection for Black Trans Women in the UK
- Reverse the Decision to Scrap the Gender Recognition Act Consultation Results by writing to your MP and signing petitions.
- Sign a petition to make LGBT conversion therapy illegal in the UK
- Support Girls Rock London’s vital work supporting and engaging girls and trans youth through the healing power of music.
- Buy a T-Shirt from Little Gay Brother supporting LGTBQ Charity Opening Doors London
- Talk to your families about privilege and anti-Blackness. Download this flyer detailing simple points on anti-Black racism in the UK in English, Bengali and Arabic. Please follow COVID-19 health precautions when distributing.
- Sign this petition, calling on the Department of Education to add Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race to the GCSE curriculum.
- Perkin Amalaraj has made this Google Doc in order to collate online resources for learning about the history of slavery, colonialism and racism – including a number of free online courses.
- Watch Black and British: A Forgotten History – The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson – Disclosure – The Black Power Mixed Tape
Services for the LGBT+ Community
Tower Hamlets LGBT+ Social Support Network
Weekly sessions are facilitated with activities that delve into LGBT issues for some supportive community fun. Mondays 3:30-5:30pm.
Email: events@elop.org for more details and the link to access the group.
Tower Hamlets LGBT+ 50+ Meet-Up
We’re meeting up every Monday online for chats, workshops, discussions and activities.
Why not join us! Mondays 1-3pm.
Email: events@elop.org for more details and the link to access the group.
Mental Health Support for LGBT+ people living in Tower Hamlets
Creating a Mental Health Plan with ELOP
A Mental Health Plan is for any of us who struggles with our mental health, which may include experiencing low mood, or depression; anxiety and intrusive thoughts; thoughts about suicide or self-harm; and/ or experience hallucinations etc. When things get really difficult, we may feel unable to cope and find it impossible to believe that things will get better. If this is familiar, it may help to develop a mental health wellbeing plan.
Mental Health Plans are an easy, practical way of helping you to support your own mental health. We will support you to develop an individualised toolbox of things to draw on when you feel things are slipping out of control. A plan is full of information on things that will help to keep you well and support you in times of struggle. It can include safety and coping strategies, activities that you enjoy; information on what may trigger a crisis; and what to do when things become overwhelming or difficult. We will do this over 4-6 sessions currently online.
If you would like more information or to book an initial appointment contact Maya or Liz at mentalhealth@elop.org
Do you live, work or study in Tower Hamlets? Come and take part in in the Tower Hamlets LGBT Community Forum
An opportunity to make a difference, have your say, get involved, explore what could be improved in the borough.
Celebrate all that is good about being LGBT+ in Tower Hamlets, and widen your social networks.
The forum meets the last Wednesday of every month 6– 8pm currently on line via Zoom.
To join the forum email lgbtforum@elop.org
Tower Hamlets QLBT Women’s campaign
Do you identify as a Lesbian, Bisexual Woman, or Transgender Woman, and live, work or study in Tower Hamlets? Do you think there is limited visibility of LBT women in the borough? ELOP are looking to change this.
Join us by providing us with a brief synopsis of who you are so we can create a plaque for you, that provides us with your name, perhaps year of birth, first part of postcode and something about you.
Here are examples:
To support and show solidarity with women who are struggling with their identity, we’re looking for LBT+ women in Tower Hamlets to share their stories with us.
We want your stories to be a beacon to other women in the borough, to show them that they are not alone and to highlight the contribution LBT women make to the community overall.
Tag us on your social media with #QLBTwomenTH or email us your stories to lgbtforum@elop.org if you would like to remain anonymous, or if social media isn’t for you. You can also download your own plaque template here.
Let’s make our voices heard!
New Tower Hamlets LGBT Forum campaign: this is me – just like you!
The THLGBT Forum is launching a new hate crime awareness campaign: this is me – just like you.
Fear of the unknown, or more specifically, of unfamiliar groups of people, usually leads to anger and is often the cause of hate crimes. Victims are usually targeted due to their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other characteristic and often result in violence or harassment.
Hate crimes against the LGBT+ community are increasing across London, and the same applies to Tower Hamlets.
This is me – just like you! Hopes to combat LGBT+ hate crimes in Tower Hamlets by show casing how LGBT+ people are no different to everyone else. Here are some examples of how this can be done:
This is Me
James, 34,
James is a community campaigner and avid runner who is training for a marathon to raise funds for a charity he is passionate about.
Just Like You
Feel free to add your photo, print off the template or if you want just send us your words and we will add them for you.
Click here to download the This is me – just like you template
If you’re a member of the LGBT+ community in Tower Hamlets and are happy to share your story with us, please email us on: lgbtforum@elop.org
You can also follow us on Twitter @thLGBTvoices and Facebook @thLGBT to keep up to date with this campaign, and the other things we’re working on in the borough.
Heads-Out LGBT+ Mental Health Services
Mental Health Mondays: LGBT Wellbeing Workshops
Heads-Out workshops run weekly online, on Mondays 6.30-8pm. Have you been struggling to cope during the lockdown? Were things already difficult before and now seem almost unmanageable? If you are looking to understand what is impacting your anxiety and low mood, what makes dealing with change so difficult, then these Heads Out Wellbeing Workshops are a good place to start.
Join this safe and inclusive space to unlock your resilience and to learn new coping skills together with other LGBTQ+ members. Join us for all four workshops or just the one that fits your needs this month. If you can’t make it for one or any of these don’t worry, these workshops are re-occurring so just email us with your interest and we will let you know when the next one comes up.
All workshops are free to participate and are a great opportunity to take some time out to meet and share with other LGBTQ+ people. For more information or to access the link to join, email Maya at mentalhealth@elop.org
Current workshops on offer are:
Managing Anxiety During Uncertain Times
Understanding your Low Mood: the importance of Connection
Coping with Change: Unlocking your Resilience
Creating your Wellness Toolkit
Heads-Out ReCharge: Weekly Online LGBT Mental Health Support Group
Fridays 11am-12.30pm
ReCharge offers a weekly space and facilitated session to check-in and meet up with other LGBTQ+ people who have or are experiencing difficulties with their mental health, opportunity to get affirmation and support, share experiences, our ups and downs, achievements and access resources, tools and strategies to help us stay safe, well, move forwards and achieve our goals.
If you would like more information or to join our ReCharge group, you can email Maya or Liz at mentalhealth@elop.org
Other support in Tower Hamlets
Rainbow Family
Sunday 3rd Sunday every month, 3-4.30pm currently online.
To register for the link, email: events@elop.org with names of adults and children and children’s ages.
LGBTQ+ Youth Volunteer Project
Calling all LGBTQ+ youth… Are you 12-18, have some spare time, energy, ideas?
Come join our new Youth Volunteer Group & help your LGBTQ+ community!
Sessions will include: Creating an LGBTQ+ educational workshop for schools, designing a new fundraising t-shirt, planning a social media campaign to promote LGBTQ+ and other social justice.
For more info email, youth@elop.org
EmpoWer – ELOP’s LBT+ Women’s Programme
Takes place every Wednesday evening focused on building skills and confidence, improving health and well-being and building social networks.
Including: Empowerment workshops – Everyone has a voice . Where am I and what do I value? What is my style? What are my strengths? Where do I focus? What do I want? Confidence and Public Speaking.
Skills: This offers opportunity for women to empower themselves through learning and experimenting with new and potential future skills in a fun friendly community setting. Opening access to a range of different activities in a safe women led environment Life Drawing. Swing Dancing. Getting women into coding. Talks/Discussions on Women’s rights.
Mindfulness: A chance to wind down, relax and reflect in a guided group setting. Learn and practice with different tools of mindfulness. Promoting positive mental health through learnt techniques. Yoga. Guided meditation. Chi Gong. Mindfulness techniques.
Community: Relaxed social sessions, in a space designed to be social and create a lasting community with like-minded women to share experiences, reduce isolation and explore mutual interests and passions within the LBT community through conversation and social activities. Self-Care workshop. Open Mic. Tea and Chat. Show and tell. Games around perceptions of ‘Pride’/Identity.
Become an ELOP volunteer
ELOP has expanded our services and with our new services would like to invite more people to join our volunteer team.
We are currently looking for individuals who would like to be involved in:
- leading community fundraising initiatives
- communications & marketing
- workshops
- events
- group facilitation for our online groups:
- LGBT asylum groups
- 12-15 youth
- family activities
- LGBT parent’s support
- LGBT social support
Our groups take place during the day, evenings and weekends. If you are interested in any of our volunteer positions please email us at volunteer@elop.org for more information.
Tower Hamlets Venues and Organisations For the LGBT community
Let Voice Be Heard
Let Voice Be Heard is a London based human rights organisation established in 2012. They are the first Bangladeshi LGBTQ group. They support Bangladeshi LGBTQ asylum seekers in the UK. At the same time, they support political asylum seekers as well as ethnic minority people.
Let Voice Be Heard have organised many protests and educational events in the UK. During these Covid-19 critical moments, they have fundraised to support their members, as asylum seekers don’t have any access to any public fund or any work rights.
See Let Voice Be Heard’s Facebook page for more.
Access Sexual Health Support at Positive East
Positive East works at providing better futures for individuals and communities affected by HIV.
Their face to face HIV/STI testing clinics are currently suspended due to coronavirus, but they are currently piloting a new approach. Anyone that lives or works in East London can be provided with online or phone supported HIV testing and STI screening from the comfort of their own home.
Head to Positive East’s website for more.
Step Forward
Step Forward run an LGBTQ+ group called Step Out. It’s a friendly and safe space for LGBTQ young people to explore, learn, discuss and socialise. Here people can access both 1-2-1 support with one of their team and get the opportunity to meet other young people at their regular social and support groups.
See Step Forward’s website for more information.
Free LGBTQ Workouts in Regents Park
FREE outdoor workout class offering a safe space for LGBTQIA+ and allies.
Meet-up: meetup.com/Workouts-LGBTQIA-Allies/
Go to LGBTQ Workouts’ Instagram page for more details.
Take Part in EastBenders
George Lyddiatt is currently working on a publication based on the forgotten histories of queer people in East London. Titled EastBenders, the publication aims to provide a platform for little-known histories of queer life in the East End, both far in the past and more recently. Growing up in Plaistow, George’s interest in the queer history of East London comes from a personal desire to discover more about those who came before, and where this incredible area of London could be heading in years to come. George is looking to speak to people who can share their experiences of queer life in the East End, as well as giving context about queer spaces and community hubs.
Get involved via the Eastbenders Google Form which George is using to gather information and experiences of LGBTQ+ people who live (and have lived) in East London, and to find out if they would like to contribute to the publication in some way.
Follow George’s Instagram for more EastBenders news.
Click on the film’s title to view
Free to watch

The Queen. Imager Courtesy of Contemporary Films Ltd.
Where to watch: Watch on Netflix
A documentary directed by Frank Simon and funded by pageant judge (and pop art legend) Andy Warhol, The Queen follows five days leading up to the 1967 Miss All-America Camp Beauty Contest and is a portrait of a New York City that’s rarely captured on film.
Where to watch: YouTube
A short film about the experience of the challenges of being a young gay person growing up today in Brighton and the support system that living in such an excepting, kind and creative city offers.
The film is centred around resilience, finding confidence to be yourself and the strength of solidarity in the face of aversion, a notion that we feel embodies what pride means.
Where to watch: Subscribe for free trial to watch on the BFI
A tender drama from Portrait of a Lady on Fire director Céline Sciamma, about a ten-year-old child exploring a new gender identity.
Where to watch: Subscribe for free trial to watch on the BFI
Conventional wisdom posits the beginning of the gay liberation movement from the riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York, however this film shows just how much activism and creativity had been going on before 1969.
A challenging collection explores screen representations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lives over the past century, all available to watch for free.

The World Unseen. Image courtesy of Enlightenment Films Ltd
Where to watch:
Rent for £2.50 from the BFI
Sweeping romantic drama about two Indian women who fall for each other in the hostile environment of apartheid South Africa.
Where to watch: Watch it on the BFI Player for £3.50
Realising that they share common foes in Margaret Thatcher, the police and the conservative press, London-based gay and lesbian activists lend their support to striking miners in 1984 Wales.
Where to watch: Rent for £3.50 from the BFI
After the IRA have captured Jody (Forest Whitaker), a British soldier, he is put under the guard of Fergus (Stephen Rea).
Where to watch: Rent for £2.50 from the BFI
A compelling tale of forbidden love and lust in Jerusalem’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community
Where to watch: Rent for £3.50 from the BFI
Growing up in 1980s Miami, Chiron is different from the other kids at school. Neglected by his mother, he turns to Juan, a local drug lord, for lessons in life and love.
Where to watch: Rent for £5.99 from Amazon
Two drag performers and a transgender woman travel across the Australian Outback to perform their unique style of cabaret.
Celebrating its tenth birthday this year, the Polari Prize is the UK’s first and largest LGBTQ+ book award. Established to promote writing that explores the LGBTQ+ experience, Polari also focuses on amplifying diverse voices through a series of literary events, including the regularly touring Polari Salon.
Check out current books nominated for the 2020 Polari Book Prize and previous winners.
Thank you so much ELOP for such amazing recommendations for us to take on and explore. What did you think? Let us know if you have any other suggestions for resources in our Tower Hamlets community.
And finally – we’re always looking to hear from other organisations and community groups who would like to do their own Rich Mix Picks. Email marketing@richmix.org.uk if you’d like to hold your own takeover.