Seized. Divided. Fenced. Owned. Today over 50% of the land of England is owned by less than 1% of its people…

Master wordsmith, Hugh Lupton, tells the outrageous story of the enclosure of the English countryside during the 18th and 19th Century, through the eyes of mad genius poet, John Clare.

Tormented by a romance jeopardised by class prejudice and rendered insane by being barred from the land which inspired his verse – his story speaks of a gross injustice which still effects us all, seven generations later.

This event celebrates the 90th anniversary of the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass. The performance of On Common Ground, by Hugh Lupton, will be followed by the remarkable film Putuparri & the Rainmakers, which documents the sacred relationship between people and place. Join us to take a long hard look at the sheer destructive consequences of lines drawn on maps by people in power.

This is an emotional, visually breathtaking story of love, hope and the survival of Aboriginal law and culture against all odds.

The Guardian
Verity Sharpe, Late Junction

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