It’s inspired by a nineteenth century psychological thriller, told through a mix of high sensory live performance, movement and music. It is a story for our time – asking us to examine our relationship with our own anxiety, and the experience of being trapped by it.

This evening is the culmination of a period of research and development, where a team of actors, musicians, singers, movement director and composer have been exploring what’s possible for this work. Specifically, experimenting to discover expression through movement, exploring sound, and building a musical world which moves with the performance, including a short opera.

Doors will open at 7.15pm, the sharing will begin at 7.30pm.

We’d love to share what we’ve discovered, and hear from you, as we imagine what’s possible in staging this work.

Workshop conversation will be facilitated by Tayo Medupin from Hello Brave, and we’ll be joined in by Professor Colette Hirsch, from Kings College London.

If you have any access requirements, please contact our box office team on 020 7613 7498 or email